The Falling Spikes
Teen Trash Vol. 10 (CD)
Neuware DE 1994 Music Maniac MMCD 88010
Garage Rock / Psych
13 Tracks. They have been making great music in the Northwest corner of the United States since 1985. This collection is their entire recorded output, with two exceptions: the master tape of 'My... Details
4,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Fiends ex-The Worst
Teen Trash Vol. 12 (CD)
Neuware DE 1994 Music Maniac MMCD 88012
60s Style / Garage Punk
13 Tracks. Volume 12 already in the International GARAGE PUNK serie featuring all neo Garage-punkers from all over the globe. This time it's the FIENDS from Vancouver CANADA with an excellent 60's... Details
4,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Fixed Up
On Your Line (12" EP)
Neuware (m/m-; rw) Fr 1985 Closer CL 1247
Garage Rock / Power Pop / Punk Rock
3 Tracks. French band produced by Jim Dickson (RADIO BIRDMAN / NEW CHRISTS) Details
5,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
3 Ergebnisse | Seiten: 1
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