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I (LP)

NeuwareIT2011Wild Honey

60s Style / Psychedelic / Garage / Folk

18 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt.

New Hampshire's MMOSS captures the psychedelic sounds of 1960s like no other. Wonderful instrumentation and arrangements, beautiful harmonies, excellent recording sounds, it's all here!

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Interpret: MMOSS
Format: LP
Kategorie: Vinyl
Label: Wild Honey
Katalog-Nr.: WH-007
Erscheinungsjahr: 2011
Erscheinungsland: Italy
Genre: Garage & Lo-Fi
Style: 60s Style / Psychedelic / Garage / Folk

Sprache: Englisch

Trackliste / Inhalt:

A1. As Above
A2. Grow Down
A3. Woolgathering
A4. Part One
A5. Molly Molasses
A6. Hedge Creeper
A7. And I Do Set My Bow In The Clouds
A8. So Below
A9. Part Two
A10. Maryanne Rising
B1. Make It Well
B2. Brian's Trip
B3. Thyme
B4. Part Three
B5. Kitty Sorrow
B6. Epistle To Shon
B7. Bow Down
B8. Come What May
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