The Easy Livin' ex-The Morning Shakes / ex-The M-80s
Good Time Head-On Collision! (LP)
Neuware US 2000 Dionysus ID123383
60s Style / Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll
14 Tracks. Garage punk band in the proud NYC tradition. This 14 track platter brings together the best worlds of '60s garage, '70s punk and '90s manic panic garage punk. Details
8,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Electric Ferrets feat. Ike Robison (Badtown Boys / Dead Lazlo's Place)
Into My Brain (7", farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware (m/vg+) US 1990 Dionysus ID074512
Garage Punk
4 Tracks; Blaues Vinyl. Erster Output der Band aus Los Angeles. Details
2,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
2 Ergebnisse | Seiten: 1
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