Pleasure Heads
Song For God (7")
Neuware • US • 1988 • Get Hip
80s / Garage Rock
2 Tracks.
Debut 45 from Pittsburgh band with male-female vocals that mixes garage with other disparate elements to create their own unique sound. "Song For God" is pretty straight foward garage with a semi-psych middle section and cool backup vocals. "Clove Cigarettes" is a jab at that trendy "smoke" and the people who indulge in them.
Interpret: Pleasure Heads
Format: 7"
Kategorie: Vinyl
Label: Get Hip
Katalog-Nr.: GH-109
Erscheinungsjahr: 1988
Erscheinungsland: United States
Genre: Garage & Lo-Fi
Style: 80s / Garage Rock
Produzent: Mike Michalski
Sprache: Englisch
Trackliste / Inhalt:
A. Song For God
B. Clove Cigarettes
B. Clove Cigarettes
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