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The New Wave Of Chas & Dave (CD)
The Bus Station Loonies / Chester / Eastfield / The Blue Minkies / Wat Tyler / Anal Beard / Age Of Chaos /The Norma Jeans

2nd Hand (m-/m-) GB1998Spanking Herman

Punk Rock / Fun Punk

8 Bands; 8 Tracks.

Eight UK bands responsible for playing the cockney ditties of Chas 'n' Dave in true punk rock style!

Interpret: V/A
Format: CD
Kategorie: CDs
Label: Spanking Herman
Katalog-Nr.: SPANK08
Erscheinungsjahr: 1998
Erscheinungsland: United Kingdom
Genre: Punk
Style: Punk Rock / Fun Punk

Sprache: Englisch

Trackliste / Inhalt:

1. BUS STATION LOONIES - The Sideboard Song
2. CHESTER - Margate
3. EASTFIELD - Turn That Noise Down
4. THE BLUE MINKIES - Bored Stiff
5. AGE OF CHAOS - Ain't No Pleasin' You
6. WAT TYLER - Rabbit
7. ANAL BEARD - Gertcha!
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