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s/t (CD EP)

2nd Hand (m-/m-) US1999King Of The Monsters

Indie Rock / Emo

6 Tracks.

The latest from these Phoenix indie rock/punk champions pays the ears handsomely with six tracks of dynamic and powerful songcraft aided by the charged and wailing vocals of YOLANDA BEJARANO and a strong sense of pop styling. Vocal melodies soar above interweaving guitars and a ferocious rhythm section. Similar to SLEATER-KINNEY or SUPERCHUNK.

Interpret: Chula
Format: CD EP
Kategorie: CDs
Label: King Of The Monsters
Katalog-Nr.: KOTM
Erscheinungsjahr: 1999
Erscheinungsland: United States
Genre: Hardcore / Alternative & Indie
Style: Indie Rock / Emo

Sprache: Englisch

Trackliste / Inhalt:

1. The House, The Car, And The Honeymoon
2. In The End
3. All I Wanted
4. Tonight
5. I've Done That
6. Mary
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