PREIS: 5,00 €
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Golden State (CD)
feat. Dave Parsons (The Partisans / Transvision Vamp / Dig Dig Dig)

2nd Hand (m-/vg+) EU2001Atlantic

Alternative Rock

12 Tracks; Enhanced CD; Booklet mit Texten.

Interpret: Bush
Format: CD
Kategorie: CDs
Label: Atlantic
Katalog-Nr.: 7567-83488-2 (EAN: 075678348822)
Erscheinungsjahr: 2001
Erscheinungsland: EU
Genre: Alternative & Indie
Style: Alternative Rock

Sprache: Englisch

Trackliste / Inhalt:

1. Solutions
2. Headful Of Ghosts
3. The People That We Love
4. Superman
5. Fugitive
6. Hurricane
7. Inflatable
8. Reasons
9. Land Of The Living
10. My Engine Is With You
11. Out Of This World
12. Float
Enhanced CD:
- The People That We Love (Video)
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