PREIS: 7,50 €
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The Big Time Syndrome (LP, FOC)
Redd Kross / Alex Chilton / Love And Rockets / Exploding White Mice / The Dream Syndicate / The Pastels / The Jazz Butcher / The Lucy Show / Christmas / Love Tractor / Dumptruck

2nd Hand (vg+/m-; rw) US1987Big Time

80s / Indie Rock / Indie Pop

11 Bands; 11 Tracks; Klappcover.

Interpret: V/A
Format: LP, FOC
Kategorie: Vinyl
Label: Big Time
Katalog-Nr.: 6050-1-B (EAN: 08472160501)
Erscheinungsjahr: 1987
Erscheinungsland: United States
Genre: Alternative & Indie
Style: 80s / Indie Rock / Indie Pop

Sprache: Englisch

Trackliste / Inhalt:

A1. Love And Rockets - Mirror People (Slow Version) 4:20
A2. Redd Kross - Play My Song (Remix) 3:38
A3. The Dream Syndicate - Let It Rain 3:51
A4. The Pastels - Truck Train Tractor 4:16
A5. The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy - Rebecca Wants Her Bike Back 5:08
A6. Exploding White Mice Blaze Of Glory 2:59
B1. The Lucy Show - New Message (New Version) 3:29
B2. Christmas - Babyman 2:42
B3. Love Tractor - Got To Give It Up 4:40
B4. Alex Chilton - Rubber Room 5:17
B5. Dumptruck - Didn't Know 2:57
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