PREIS: 27,00 €
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The Unknowns
East Coast Low (LP)
feat. Josh (The Chats / Rick N The Sickos / Loose Lips) & Eamon (The Chats / Rick N The Sickos / Headlice)

NeuwareGB2023/2024Drunken Sailor

Garage Punk / Punk Rock / Pub Rock

10 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt.

Pub Punk Band with members of THE CHATS, their 2nd LP in anticipation of their debut Euro Tour. For fans of COSMIC PSYCHOS, THE SAINTS, STIFF RICHARDS. Australia never misses. European release of THE UNKNOWNS second LP, released on Bargain Bin Records in Australia.

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Interpret: The Unknowns
Format: LP
Kategorie: Vinyl
Label: Drunken Sailor
Katalog-Nr.: DRUNKENSAILOR169 (EAN: 5056321696342)
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023/2024
Erscheinungsland: United Kingdom
Genre: Punk / Garage & Lo-Fi / Rock & Pop
Style: Garage Punk / Punk Rock / Pub Rock

Sprache: Englisch

Trackliste / Inhalt:

A1. Shot Down
A2. Dianne
A3. Rid Of You
A4. Crying
A5. Beat Me
B1. Thinking About You
B2. Know It All
B3. I Don't Know
B4. Deleted
B5. Supersonic Love
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