Day Without The Sun (LP)
Day Without The Sun (LP)
70s / Space Rock / Hard Rock / Prog Rock
6 Tracks; Reissue. Space Rock-Band from Florida, USA. Details
6 Tracks; Reissue. Space Rock-Band from Florida, USA. Details
![Silver Apples - Fractal Flow (7")](/static/img/products/2/005020_small.jpg)
Silver Apples
Fractal Flow (7")
Fractal Flow (7")
90s / Space Rock / Synth-Pop / Experimental
2 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt. 1967 gegründetes New Yorker Space-Rock-Duo um Simeon Coxe und Dan Taylor. Nachdem 1970 Schluss war, gab es 1996 eine Reunion wo diese 7" entstand. Das Cover ziert ein... Details
2 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblatt. 1967 gegründetes New Yorker Space-Rock-Duo um Simeon Coxe und Dan Taylor. Nachdem 1970 Schluss war, gab es 1996 eine Reunion wo diese 7" entstand. Das Cover ziert ein... Details
V/A Siddhartha / Sky Cries Mary / Beyond-O-matic / Ole Lukkøye / Rada & Blackthorns / In The Labyrinth / Barrett Elmore / The Narcotic Daffodils / Polska Radio One / Plootoh
Trail Records: Space Travel 2007-2014 (CD)
Trail Records: Space Travel 2007-2014 (CD)
Prog Rock / Psych Rock / Space Rock / Art Rock
10 Bands; 12 Tracks; Promo. Only one copy per order! Trail Records' 2014 free label compilation. Details
10 Bands; 12 Tracks; Promo. Only one copy per order! Trail Records' 2014 free label compilation. Details
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