Cold Circuits feat. Synthetic ID
Out Of Hat Yai (LP)
Neuware DE 2014 Erste Theke Tonträger ETT-019
Punk Rock / Post Punk
9 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 200 copies. The Bay Area is one of the most interesting places for punk these days - one of the most outstanding bands from there are the Cold Circuits!... Details
12,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Cold Circuits - s/t (7")
Cold Circuits feat. Synthetic ID
s/t (7")
Neuware DE 2013 Erste Theke Tonträger ETT-010
Punk Rock / Post Punk
4 Tracks; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 250 copies (of 500). Whatever these Bay Area guys secretly mix in their drinks, it seems to bring out an endless flow of brilliant and catchy, yet... Details
5,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Synthetic ID - Apertures (MLP)
Synthetic ID feat. Cold Circuits
Apertures (MLP, farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware DE 2012 Erste Theke Tonträger ETT 008
Post Punk / Punk Rock
8 Tracks; Klares Vinyl; Inkl. Textbeiblatt; Limited to 150 copies (of 500). Band from San Francisco. It's jerky, derailed, and draws heavily from early post-punk, but chugs along at a classic punk... Details
11,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
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