The Black Orchids
The Lunatics Ball (7")
feat. Jenna McGrath (Da Willys)
Neuware (m/m-) • US • 1988 • Cryptovision
80s / Garage Punk / Punk'n'Roll
4 Tracks.
New York US-Band with female vox on some songs. Only release of the band.
Interpret: The Black Orchids
Format: 7"
Kategorie: Vinyl
Label: Cryptovision
Katalog-Nr.: CR 900
Erscheinungsjahr: 1988
Erscheinungsland: United States
Genre: Punk / Garage & Lo-Fi
Sprache: Englisch
Trackliste / Inhalt:
A1. Elevator Man
A2. Darkness Hiding By
B1. Money Boy
B2. Mayfly Blues
A2. Darkness Hiding By
B1. Money Boy
B2. Mayfly Blues
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