Brain Tilt
No Glasses On (7")
pre-The Sidetracks / pre-The King Ryders / feat. Sleepy Doc Julius (Shady & The Vamp)
Neuware • CH • 2018 • Purity Ball
Lo-Fi / Garage Rock / Garage Punk
2 Tracks; Inkl. Beiblätter; Limited Edition.
Garage Rock'n'Roll Punk aus Luzern, Schweiz.
"BRAIN TILT lost their oldest member to - how fitting - a brain disease, but the trio is complete again thanx to SHADY & THE VAMP guitarist extraordinaire Sleepy Doc Julius. With youthful power he destroys the melody of "No Glasses On" with tons of feedback out of his imported dream-smasher to scare even the most addict SCIENTISTS fan. Swamp-Punk it is taged and swamp-punk is what you get. A tune that makes Ivy n Lux dance the rhumba upside-down in Noise-York. B-Side has a cover of THE MODS "Give you an inch". Comes in a cheap xeroxed paper-sleeve with two inlays: the hilarious lyrics written down plus a guide to their hometown Losern Switzerland."
Trackliste / Inhalt:
B. Give You An Inch (THE MODS)