Interpret:DAD BRAINS
Dad Brains - Dadditude (7"+MP3)
Dad Brains ex-The Fucking Wrath
Dadditude (7"+MP3, farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware US 2019 Pirates Press PPR235-1
Hardcore Punk / Punk Rock / Parody
4 Tracks; Rotes Vinyl; Inkl. Textbeiblatt + Download-Code; Limited to 750 copies. The masters of punk rock satire, dad jokes, and ripping hardcore riffs are back at it for the second year in a... Details
7,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Dad Brains / Ramoms - Merryxmas (7"+MP3)
Dad Brains / Ramoms
Merryxmas (7"+MP3, farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware US 2018 Pirates Press PPR217
Hardcore Punk / Punk Rock / Christmas / Parody
2 Bands; 4 Tracks; Grünes Splatter Vinyl; Limited to 1200 copies. Pairing these two exciting parody US-bands was an absolute no brainer. The dads band vs. the moms band! This incredible X-Mas... Details
7,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
2 Ergebnisse | Seiten: 1
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