Eugene Chadbourne Shockabilly
Oil Of Hate (7")
Neuware (m/m-) US 1991 Blackjack JACK 005
Punk Rock / Country Rock / Experimental
3 Tracks. Eugene has been a reviewer for "Allmusic" and a contributor to "Maximum Rock'n'Roll". This recording numbly dedicated to the memories of everyone who has died in the folly of 1991, the... Details
5,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Eugene Chadbourne Shockabilly
Young & Innocent Days (2x10", farbiges Vinyl)
Neuware DE 2000 Swamp Room 301135
Anti-Folk / Alternative / Avantgarde / Experimental
14 Tracks; Mehrfarbiges transparentes Splatter Vinyl; Limited to 1000 copies. ">>This Music is really tripping me out<<, steht auf dem Cover und damit ist schon fast alles gesagt [...] Diese... Details
14,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
Shockabilly feat. Eugene Chadbourne & Kramer (Half Japanese / Bongwater / Ween / Let It Come Down)
Earth vs. Shockabilly (LP)
2nd Hand (m-/vg+; co) US 1983/1988 Shimmy Disc SHIMMY-17
80s / Noise Rock / Avantgarde
15 Tracks; Cut-Out; Reissue. 1983er Debütalnum der abgedrehten Avant-Rock-Band US-Band aus New York City um Eugene Chadbourne & Kramer. Details
8,00 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
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