Breed feat. Simon Breed (Simon Breed & the Birthmarks) & Steve Hewitt (Love Amongst Ruin / Placebo / The Boo Radleys / Baby June / Polaroid Kiss / Six By Seven)
Splinter! (7")
Neuware (m/vg+; rw) GB 1992 Clawfist HUNKA 012
Alternative Rock
2 Tracks. UK-Band. Details
3,50 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
The Sunflowers / Smashing Orange
Split (7")
Neuware (m/m-) GB 1992 Clawfist XPIG 18
Alternative Rock / Indie Rock
2 Bands; 2 Tracks. Each band covers the song of one another. Details
4,90 €
(zzgl. Versandkosten)
2 Ergebnisse | Seiten: 1
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