PREIS: 17,90 €
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Raw Cuts Volume Six: American Psych Wars (LP)
Dwarves / Thee Fourgiven / Royal Nonesuch / Yard Trauma / The Marshmallow Overcoat / The Time Beings / The Marsupials / Al Perry & The Cattle

Neuware (m-/vg+) GB1987Satellite

60s Style / Psych / Garage Rock / Garage Punk

8 Bands; 16 Tracks.

US-Compilation mit 80s Garage Rock Revival Bands.

Interpret: V/A
Format: LP
Kategorie: Vinyl
Label: Satellite
Katalog-Nr.: RAW 6
Erscheinungsjahr: 1987
Erscheinungsland: United Kingdom
Genre: Punk / Garage & Lo-Fi
Style: 60s Style / Psych / Garage Rock / Garage Punk

Sprache: Englisch

Trackliste / Inhalt:

A1. The Dwarves - College Town
A2. The Dwarves - Love Gestapo
A3. Thee Fourgiven - The Reason Why
A4. Thee Fourgiven - Sorry For You
A5. Royal Nonesuch - You Need Love
A6. Royal Nonesuch - You Lied To Me Before
A7. Yard Trauma - You Don't Tell Me
A8. Yard Trauma - Black And White
B1. Marshmallow Overcoat - I Can Only Give You Everything
B2. Marshmallow Overcoat - Psilocybin Explosion
B3. The Time Beings - Shark Attack
B4. The Time Beings - When You Find Out
B5. The Marsupials - She's A Liar
B6. The Marsupials - One Big Pill
B7. The Cattle - Staying In Bed
B8. The Cattle - Cinnamon Girl
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